Healthcare wasn’t built for (or by) Athletes.

Let’s change that, together.

If you’re like us,

you’ve felt frustrated by:


The traditional medical model that paints rehab and performance as black and white


Grad school programs that don’t provide a strength & conditioning curriculum beyond clamshells and theraband exercises


Healthcare providers
telling athletes that
deadlifts are
bad for your back and squats are bad for your knees


Communicating with conviction and authority while (somehow!) embracing uncertainty

So, do any of these feelings resonate?

Lacking confidence…

Feeling inadequate in creating and
progressing appropriately challenging
programs for your athletes?

Feeling random…

Lacking clarity with your exercise
prescription and lacking a true
framework for informed decision

Playing the “Weighting Game”...

Struggling to know if you are
underloading or overloading your

Trouble balancing…

Difficulty balancing being “overly
biomechanical” or having too much
“movement positivity?”

We set out on a quest to create an army of providers who will set the standard for performance-based healthcare. Providers who actually walk the walk in their practice and in their life.

On the back of a robust curriculum and a mission-driven community, we’ll help you become the provider of choice for any performance-driven human, without sacrificing your own values.


Provider Certification

Exercise Prescription For a Complex System (CEU Approved 21 hours):
A masterclass in ensuring your critical thinking, decision making, and
communication for Exercise Prescription (ExRx) are second to none.

Section 1: Complexity, Systems, and Models, Oh My! (2.25 hours)
Section 2: Creating YOUR ExRx Process (5 hours)
Section 3: Exercise Dosing (7 hours)
Section 4: Coaching, Monitoring, and Return to Sport (6 hours)

It’s not enough to click through lessons. You must apply your knowledge if you truly want to be world class. This is why we have embedded competencies to ensure this. All of these competencies must be completed to become a certified Clinical Athlete Provider.

  • You must complete the full curriculum.
  • Throughout the course material, you will be prompted to reflect on what you learn, with assignments that will put that new knowledge to the test.
  • There are live coaching calls throughout this intensive experience, and you must attend a certain number.
  • You must pass your final live practical which will be done with one peer from your group, and your mentor during the final week of the program.
  • You must pass a final 50 question written exam at the end of the program.

This is truly something that sets us apart. When you take our program, it’s not just a course, but you are entering into one of the most reputable and connected networks in the industry.

  • You are placed in a small group of 4, within the course community
  • You will have opportunities to interact with all mentors and members of the course community
  • Upon graduation, you will be granted access into our exclusive CA Provider community of over 300 alumni, along with our top of class clinical business partners for ongoing implementation, connections, and employment opportunities.



If so, you’re not alone. We’ve worked with and impacted thousands
of lives through our mentorship over the years.
Here are what a few have to say about our
current program:

To put it frankly, there is nothing in my personal or professional life that
has changed the way I practice, coach, and operate on a day to day
basis more than Clinical Athlete. This community pushes the envelope
on the things that really matter- not sets and reps, but critical thinking
skills, communication, complexity, and creating your own process.

This was easily the best investment I have ever made
in my patients and myself.

Azita Nejaddehghan PT, DPT, SCCC, CSCSTeam Physio, Washington Spirit

I finished a sport PT residency in 2022. And despite being immensely
valuable in accelerating my growth, I felt there were gaps that
needed to be filled. For a while I thought I wasn’t smart enough to
handle the complexity of clinical practice. Then I saw the Clinical
Athlete speaking to it, and it felt like someone was speaking directly
to my struggles. This course is like no course I have taken. It is
frankly one of the most valuable investments I have made in my
clinical practice.

Devin Crevani, PT, DPTOwner of Back to Barbell Rehab and Performance

As someone who has been taught almost exclusively on the KPM
(Kinesio-Pathological Model), but personally gravitated towards the
BPS model, I have always felt extremely lost and confused when it
comes to exercise prescription.

At various points in my career, I have prescribed exercise based on every
thought process from "I need to get 3 more degrees of scapular
upward rotation" to "everything is the same so why even bother with
specificity". I eventually settled somewhere in the middle of those
two extremes and ended up just feeling confused and not
confident in my treatment plans.

Since joining CA, chatting regularly with the group, making my way
through the course work, and utilizing the resources, I have felt a
180 degree shift in the way I prescribe exercises and the way I
approach every patient encounter.”

Daniel Braff DCOutpatient Rehab and Sport Chiropractic

The lessons are highly practical, and made me dive into my own beliefs
and biases surrounding rehab. Evals no longer feel overwhelming,
but rather an opportunity to educate my patients and promote
buy-in, as I am better able to explain my why. I feel more confident
and grounded in my decision-making process for any situation I
may come across in the clinic.

The cherry on top? This program and community have given me the
confidence and encouragement to start my own virtual company for

Stephanie Popovitch PT, DPTRun Coach, Lane One Strength & Performance

As a business owner who values the professional development of my team,
I'm grateful to have partnered with Clinical Athlete. The curriculum is
well thought out and the live calls are incredibly beneficial. And, just being
in a community of other passionate clinicians and coaches is invaluable.
With the Clinical Athlete partnership, I'm confident that the PhysioRX team receives
top-notch mentorship. This aligns our clinical reasoning as a company,
allowing us to provide our clients with the best outcomes possible.

Georgio Baylouny PT, DPTOwner, Physio RX




Learn more about our program, what it takes to become a CA Provider, and connect directly with someone from our team to see if it’s a great fit.

STEP 2: Enroll

Join one of our cohorts and experience the power of the CA Curriculum, Competencies, and Community first hand. Once you complete this program…


Unlock the Opportunities being a CA Provider affords (change your clients lives, get better job opportunities, create your own business, combat the healthcare epidemic, for example)

Other Ways to Get Involved:

Join our free FB community and get brain gainz, find trusted providers, and find awesome job opportunities

We have a treasure trove of incredible resources in our Podcast - you can listen HERE


Nope! We are a diverse community of professionals and students within the rehab and performance industry. We have PTs, PTAs, DCs, ATs, Coaches, Trainers, and LMTs, all united by a shared goal to change the rehab and performance industry for the better.

Absolutely. While we don’t recommend students to participate in our CA Provider Program, we have plenty of high value free and paid learning opportunities, along with a powerful network to take advantage of.

Yes! We are approved in 41+ states, which you can see the map for here. We are also approved by the BOC for ATs.

The CA Provider Certification is 4 months long, and when completed successfully, unlocks ongoing access into our private community of providers.

You should have received multiple lines of communication from our team regarding changes, but if you have any questions whatsoever, please contact

Level Up has officially been acquired by ClinicalAthlete and merged into its DNA. You can still access the Level Up Podcast and Instagram for highly valuable resources.

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